About Us
Established in 1992, the store began operating as Signature Diamonds around 2007. Since that time, we have become known as one of the premier jewelry stores in Knoxville and beyond, with affiliate stores in Georgia, Oklahoma, and Texas. Over the past twenty years, we have grown our reputation by making signature diamonds synonymous with quality and excellence: every diamond you buy has been examined by hand, and one of our in-store experts can explain each facet of the piece you purchase. Our efforts have not gone unrecognized: Signature Diamonds has been featured on WBIR news and has been presented with numerous awards, including Talk of the Town News' "Excellence in Customer Satisfaction Award" two years in-a-row.

It is because we have given such attention to quality over more than two decades that we have come to be known for excellence in every piece of jewelry we sell.We hope you'll visit us and come to agree with the buzz!

Serving Knoxville TN | Oak Ridge TN | Morristown TN | Maryville TN | Jefferson City TN | Farragut TN and the surrounding communities.